Edge Studios
Powered by research, experimentation, bleeding-edge technology, and tireless innovation, Edge Studios is the place for musicians, producers, artists, and creatives to invent and re-invent their sound experiences. Built and run by a team of local creatives, our facilities are dedicated to providing quality production and recording services.
Where you'll be
Amenities in this space
Restroom, water, wifi, fridge to store foodAccessibility in this space
Open Daily
Monday: 9 AM-5 PM - 7 PM-10 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM-5 PM - 7 PM-10 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM-5 PM - 7 PM-10 PM
Thursday: 9 AM-5 PM
Friday: 9 AM-5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM-5 PM
Sunday: Closed
Open Daily
Monday: 9 AM-5 PM - 7 PM-10 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM-5 PM - 7 PM-10 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM-5 PM - 7 PM-10 PM
Thursday: 9 AM-5 PM
Friday: 9 AM-5 PM
Saturday: 9 AM-5 PM
Sunday: Closed