Bookings and Refunds
Find the cancellation policy for your Booking.
Maybe you just need peace of mind before booking, or perhaps you need to cancel right now. Here’s how to find the cancellation policy for your Booking:
Before you book
You can find cancellation details on the listing page, and during the booking process—before you pay.
After you book
Your policy and cancellation options can always be found in yourBookings. Just click or tap Show Booking Details and you'll find your Cancellation policy. The times and dates we display for cancellation policies are based on the local time zone of the listing. Cancellation deadlines for receiving refunds are measured from thirty (30) minutes before the start of the Booking in the Listing's local time zone.
If you want to know what your refund will be, start canceling your Booking and we’ll show you a detailed breakdown. Depending on the length of your Booking, when you cancel, and the cancellation policy that applies to your Booking, you may get a partial refund if you cancel after your Booking starts.
Remember that the amount refunded will never be more than the amount you have actually paid at the time you cancel.
Extenuating circumstances
Did an emergency or natural disaster disrupt your Booking? You may be eligible for a refund due to extenuating circumstances.
Cancellation policies for operators
If you are an Operator or want to learn more about what cancellation policies are available, please refer to cancellation policies for your listing.
Issues while you're on a booking
If you encounter issues when you arrive at your listing that the Operator cannot resolve quickly, you may be protected under our Member Refund Policy.
Extenuating Circumstances Policy
Effective date: January 20th, 2022
This Extenuating Circumstances Policy explains how cancellations are handled when unforeseen events beyond your control arise after booking and make it impracticable or illegal to complete your Booking. This Policy applies to Bookings for both accommodations and Experiences.
When this Policy allows for cancellation, it controls and takes precedence over the Booking’s cancellation policy. Members that are impacted by an event covered by this Policy can cancel their Booking and receive, depending on the circumstances, a cash refund, credit, and/or other consideration. Operators that are impacted by an event covered by this Policy can cancel without adverse consequences, but, depending on the circumstances, their calendars may be blocked for the dates of the canceled Booking.
What events are covered
This Policy uses the term “Event” to refer to the following situations that occur after booking, are unforeseen at the time of booking, and prevent or legally prohibit completion of the Booking.
Changes to government travel requirements
Unexpected changes to visa or passport requirements imposed by a governmental agency that prevent travel to the destination. This doesn’t include lost or expired travel documents or other personal circumstances relating to a Member’s authorization to travel.
Declared emergencies and epidemics
Government declared local or national emergencies, epidemics, pandemics, and public health emergencies. This does not include diseases that are endemic or commonly associated with an area—for example, malaria in Thailand or dengue fever in Hawaii.
Government travel restrictions
Travel restrictions imposed by a governmental agency that prevent or prohibit traveling to, staying at, or returning from the Listing location. This does not include non-binding travel advisories and similar government guidance.
Military actions and other Operatorilities
Acts of war, Operatorilities, invasions, civil war, terrorism, explosions, bombings, rebellions, riots, insurrection, civil disorder, and civil unrest.
Natural disasters
Natural disasters, acts of God, large-scale outages of essential utilities, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and other severe and abnormal weather events. This does not include weather or natural conditions that are common enough to be foreseeable in that location—for example, hurricanes occurring during hurricane season in Florida.
What is not covered
Everything else
This Policy only allows for cancellations for the Events described above. Everything else is excluded. Examples of situations that this Policy does not allow cancellations for include: unexpected disease, illness, or injury; government obligations like jury duty, court appearances, or military duties; travel advisories or other government guidance (that fall short of a travel ban or prohibition); cancellation or rescheduling of an event for which the Booking was made; and transportation disruptions unrelated to a covered Event like road closures, as well as flight, train, bus and ferry cancellations. If you cancel a Booking in these cases, the amount refunded will be determined by the cancellation policy that applies to the Booking.
What to do next
If we notify you or publish information confirming that this Policy applies to your Booking, please follow the cancellation instructions that we provide. When we have notified you or published information about how this Policy applies, you should have the option to cancel under this Policy by going to your Bookings page and canceling the impacted Booking. If you believe this Policy applies to your Booking, but we have not notified you or published information about the Event, please contact us to cancel your Booking. In all cases, you should be prepared to provide documentation that shows how the Event has impacted you or your Booking.
If you have questions, please contact us.
Soundspace Member Refund Policy
Effective date: January 20th, 2022
These terms and conditions govern Soundspace’s policy for Member refunds (“Member Refund Policy”) and the obligations of the Operator associated with the Member Refund Policy. The Member Refund Policy applies in addition to Soundspace’s Terms of Service (“Soundspace Terms”). The Member Refund Policy is available to Members who book and pay for an Accommodation through the Soundspace Platform and suffer an Access Issue (as defined below). The Member’s rights under this Member Refund Policy will supersede the Operator’s cancellation policy.
All capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Soundspace Terms or Payments Terms unless otherwise defined in this Member Refund Policy.
By using the Soundspace Platform as an Operator or Member, you are indicating that you have read and that you understand and agree to be bound by this Member Refund Policy.
1. Access Issue
An "Access Issue" means any one of the following:
- the Operator of the Accommodation (i) cancels a booking shortly before the scheduled start of the booking, or (ii) fails to provide the Member with the reasonable ability to access the Accommodation (e.g. does not provide the keys and/or a security code).
the Listing’s description or depiction of the Accommodation is materially inaccurate with respect to:
- the size of the Accommodation (e.g., number and size of the studio, rehearsal, podcasting, and/or bathroom or other rooms).
- whether the booking for the Accommodation is for an entire studio, private room, or shared room, and whether another party, including the Operator, is booked at the Accommodation during the booking.
- special amenities or features represented in the Listing are not provided or do not function, such as studio equipment, rehearsal equipment, audio equipment, bathrooms (toilet/shower/bathtub), kitchen (sink/stove/refrigerator or major other appliances), and electrical, heating or air conditioning systems.
- the physical location of the Accommodation (proximity).
- at the start of the Member’s booking, the Accommodation: (i) is not generally clean and sanitary; (ii) contains safety or health hazards that would be reasonably expected to adversely affect the Member’s Booking at the Accommodation in Soundspace’s judgment, or (iii) has vermin or contains pets not disclosed in the Listing.
2. The Member Refund Policy
If you are a Member and suffer an Access Issue, you are covered by this policy as follows:
Up to 24 hours after the booking starts.
If you report an Access Issue up to 24 hours after your Booking start time, we agree, at our discretion, to either (i) reimburse you the amount paid by you through the Soundspace Platform (“Total Fees”), or (ii) use our reasonable efforts to help you find and book for any unused Credits left in your account another Accommodation which is reasonably comparable to or better than the Accommodation described in your original booking in terms of size, rooms, features, and quality. Soundspace shall decide whether an issue reported by a Member qualifies as an Access Issue, whether to reimburse or rebook a Member who suffers an Access Issue, and whether an alternate Accommodation is comparable or better.
More than 24 hours after the booking starts.
If you report an Access Issue more than 24 hours after the Booking start time, we agree, at our discretion, to either (i) reimburse you up to the Total Fees depending on the nature of the Access Issue suffered, or (ii) use our reasonable efforts to help you find and book another Accommodation for any unused Credits left in your account which is reasonably comparable to the Accommodation described in your original booking in terms of size, rooms, features, and quality.
Soundspace’s decisions under the Member Refund Policy are final and binding on Members and Operators but do not affect other contractual or statutory rights you may have. Any right that you may have to initiate legal action remains unaffected.
3. Conditions for Making a Claim
To submit a valid claim for an Access Issue and receive the benefits with respect to your booking, you are required to meet each of the following conditions:
- you must be the Member that booked the Accommodation.
- you must report the Access Issue to us in writing or via telephone within 24 hours of discovering the existence of the Access Issue, and you must provide us with information (including photographs, videos, or other written or tangible evidence) about the Accommodation and the circumstances of the Access Issue.
- you must respond to any requests by us for additional information or cooperation on the Access Issue within the time specified by Soundspace.
- you must not have directly or indirectly caused the Access Issue (through your action, omission, or negligence).
- unless otherwise specified by Soundspace or Soundspace advises you that the Access Issue cannot be remediated, you must use reasonable efforts to try to remedy the circumstances of the Access Issue with the Operator.
- in order to receive a reimbursement of Total Fees or assistance with booking an alternative Accommodation, you must agree to vacate the Accommodation. If you choose to stay in the Accommodation, you may still qualify for a partial refund at Soundspace’s discretion as described in this policy (regardless of whether you reported the Access Issue up to 24 hours after the Booking start time).
4. Minimum Quality Standards, Operator Responsibilities, and Reimbursement to Member
- If you are an Operator, you are responsible for ensuring that the Accommodations you list on the Soundspace Platform are accessible, adequately and accurately described in the Listing description, safe and clean, and do not present a Member with Access Issues. During a Member’s Booking at an Accommodation, Operators should be available or make a third-party available, in order to try, in good faith, to resolve any Access Issues or other Member issues.
- If you are an Operator, and if (i) Soundspace determines that a Member has suffered an Access Issue related to an Accommodation listed by you and (ii) Soundspace either reimburses that Member (up to their Total Fees) or provides an alternative Accommodation to the Member, you agree to reimburse Soundspace up to the amount paid by Soundspace within 30 days of Soundspace’s request. If the Member is relocated to an alternative Accommodation, you also agree to reimburse Soundspace for reasonable additional costs incurred to relocate the Member. You authorize Soundspace to collect any amounts owed to Soundspace by reducing your Payout or as otherwise permitted pursuant to the Payments Terms.
- As an Operator, you understand that the rights of Members under this Member Refund Policy will supersede your selected cancellation policy. If you dispute the Access Issue, you may notify us in writing or via telephone and provide us with information (including photographs or other evidence) disputing the claims regarding the Access Issue. In order to dispute an Access Issue, you must use reasonable and good faith efforts to try to remedy any Access Issue with the Member unless Soundspace advises you that the Access Issue cannot be remediated or the Member has vacated the Accommodation.
5. General Provisions
5.1 No Assignment / No Insurance.
This Member Refund Policy is not intended to constitute an offer to insure, does not constitute insurance or an insurance contract, does not take the place of insurance obtained or obtainable by the Member, and the Member has not paid any premium in respect of the Member Refund Policy. The benefits provided under this Member Refund Policy are not assignable or transferable by you.
5.2 Modification or Termination.
Soundspace reserves the right to modify or terminate this Member Refund Policy, at any time, at its sole discretion. If Soundspace modifies this Member Refund Policy, we will post the modification on the Soundspace Platform or provide you with notice of the modification and Soundspace will continue to process all claims for Access Issues made prior to the effective date of the modification according to the then-applicable policy.
5.3 Entire Agreement.
This Member Refund Policy constitutes the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between Soundspace and you regarding the Member Refund Policy and supersedes and replaces any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between Soundspace and you regarding the Member Refund Policy.
6. Contacting Soundspace
If you have any questions about the Member Refund Policy, please email us.
Experiences Member Refund Policy
This Experiences Member Refund Policy governs Soundspace’s policy for Member refunds and the Operator obligations associated with this Policy. It applies in addition to Soundspace’s Terms of Service and Soundspace’s Additional Terms for Experience Operators and is available to Members who book an Experience through the Soundspace Platform and suffer an Access Issue.
All capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Soundspace Terms or Payments Terms unless otherwise defined in this Experiences Member Refund Policy.
By using the Soundspace Platform as an Experience Operator or Member, you are indicating that you have read and that you understand and agree to be bound by this Experiences Member Refund Policy.
Eligible access issues and refund policy
The following situations are “Access Issues” that are eligible for a refund under the Experiences Member Refund Policy:
- The Operator fails to carry out the booked Experience or arrives more than 15 minutes past the stated start time, causing the Member to abandon the Experience.
- The Operator makes significant changes to the Experience after booking.
- The Experience contains a safety or health hazard that would be reasonably expected to adversely affect the Member’s participation in the Experience.
- For Experiences that take place online, the Member cannot attend or an Operator cannot lead the Experience because of technical difficulties, including audio or visual issues.
If Soundspace determines that a Member experienced an Access Issue, Soundspace will, at its discretion, provide the Member with a refund up to a maximum of the Total Pricing the Member paid for the Experience in accordance with this Policy. The amount of any refund will depend on the nature of the Access Issue suffered.
Minimum quality standards, operator responsibilities, and reimbursement to members
As an Operator, you are responsible for ensuring that the Experience you list on the Soundspace Platform meets Soundspace’s Experiences Platform Standards and does not present a Member with Access Issues. Before and during the Experience, Operators should be available or make a third-party available, in order to try, in good faith, to resolve any Member issues.
If (i) Soundspace determines that a Member has suffered an Access Issue related to your Experience and (ii) Soundspace reimburses that Member (up to their Total Price), you agree to reimburse Soundspace up to the amount paid by Soundspace within 30 days of Soundspace’s request. You authorize Soundspace Payments to collect any amounts owed to Soundspace by reducing your Payout or as otherwise permitted pursuant to the Payments Terms.
As an Operator, you understand that the rights of Members under this Experiences Member Refund Policy will supersede the Experiences Cancellation Policy. If you dispute the Access Issue, you may notify us in writing or via telephone and provide us with information (including photographs or other evidence) disputing the claims regarding the Access Issue, provided you used reasonable and good faith efforts to try to remedy the Access Issue with the Member prior to disputing the Access Issue claim.
General Provisions
This Experiences Member Refund Policy does not:
- constitute an offer to insure.
- constitute insurance or an insurance contract.
- take the place of insurance obtained or obtainable by the Member.
Furthermore, the Member has not paid any premium in respect of the Experiences Member Refund Policy. The benefits provided under this Experiences Member Refund Policy are not assignable or transferable by a Member.
All determinations of Soundspace with respect to the Experiences Member Refund Policy shall be at Soundspace’s discretion, and final and binding on the Members and Operators.
Soundspace reserves the right to modify or terminate this Experiences Member Refund Policy, at any time, at its sole discretion. If Soundspace modifies this Experiences Member Refund Policy, we will post the modification on the Soundspace Platform or provide you with notice of the modification. Soundspace will continue to process all claims for Access Issues made prior to the effective date of the modification.
Operator penalties for canceling bookings
Cancellations mess with Members' plans and can reduce confidence in our community, so as an Operator you should do your best to fulfill all confirmed Bookings. If something has come up and you simply can't fulfill a Booking for any reason, it's your responsibility (and not your Member's) to cancel as quickly as possible to allow your Member time to make new plans.
There are certain limited circumstances where there are no adverse consequences to canceling.
Cancellation fee
If you cancel a confirmed Booking, a fee will be deducted from your first payout after the cancellation. The amount depends on when you accepted the Booking and how soon before the Booking start time you canceled it:
More than 5 days before the Booking start time
$50 will be deducted from your next payout
Less than 5 days before the Booking start time
$100 will be deducted from your next payout
Unavailable/blocked calendar
If you cancel a confirmed Booking, your calendar may be blocked. This means you won't be able to accept another Booking that overlaps with the canceled one. Please note: Soundspace can block your calendar if you haven't provided all the information required for your account.
Public review
If you cancel before the day of the Booking, an automated review will be posted to your listing's profile indicating that you canceled one of your Bookings. These reviews can't be removed, but you may be able to write a public response to clarify why you needed to cancel.
If you cancel on the day of the Booking or later, Members can choose to leave a public review on your listing’s profile.
Account suspension and deactivation
If you cancel 10 or more Bookings within a year, we may suspend or deactivate your listing.
Find the cancellation policy for your Experience Booking
Maybe flexibility is on your must-have list when booking an Experience, or perhaps you need to cancel right now. Here’s how to find the cancellation policy for your Experience Booking:
Before you book
You can find cancellation details on the Experience page underDetails, and during the booking process—before you pay.
After you book
To find the policy and cancellation options for your Experience Booking:
If you want to know what your refund will be, start canceling your Booking and we’ll show you a detailed breakdown.
Extenuating circumstances
Have an emergency and need to cancel? Check out our Extenuating Circumstances Policy to make sure you qualify. A good thing to know: you may need to provide documentation.
Canceling a Booking as Operator of an Experience
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way. Yet cancellations can be very disruptive for Members and should be avoided, if possible.
If one of your Experiences has to be canceled and it’s not because of Weather, Emergencies, or safety issues, you may be charged a cancellation fee.
If your Experience takes place outdoors, you may cancel if weather conditions create an unsafe or uncomfortable environment for your Members. You won't be charged a penalty fee. We may contact you for documentation to verify weather-related claims.
Emergencies or safety issues
We understand that emergencies happen. We don’t apply penalties for cancellations under the Extenuating Circumstances Policy, or for cancellations made for valid safety reasons.
Cancellation policies
Penalties may apply if you cancel an Experience that’s already been booked by a Member.
We may charge a fee of up to 20% of the booking value of the canceled Experience, which we will deduct from an upcoming payout. We’ll notify you if a fee will be charged before you complete a cancellation.
Frequent cancellations, or no-shows, are a violation of our Terms of Service and may result in the removal of your Experience from Soundspace.
Canceling an experience
To cancel one of your Experiences, locate it in your calendar, and select Cancel Experience. Your Members will receive a notification and a full refund.
Rebooking on a different date or time
If you and your Members agree to an alternate time, contact us to let us know after you cancel. We’ll verify that your Members have agreed, and remove any penalty that was applied.